Megan Danvers

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Updates to Life and Stories

Hey there, readers! I’m back with another blog post. Updates. Revelations. Let’s get into it. Firstly, I have made the unfortunate revelation of just how stupid insurance is. I noticed a couple weeks ago that my insurance wasn’t paying for my therapy bills and I asked the mental health facility as to why and they…

2024 Goals and Maybe Plans

Greetings everyone! This account is back from the dead yet again. Figured I could write this instead of drafting anything in either of my WIPs. So, it’s 2024 and we’re already two months into the year so far. What are my goals, my resolutions, my plans for the year? As far as goals go, writing…

It’s Been Awhile

Wow, has it really been over a year since I last posted on here? Damn. At this point I don’t really know what to say. I set up this website a couple years ago or so because I wanted to build a following for whenever I finally publish a book but given my lack of…

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